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A Note on our Recent Activities

Actualizado: 20 jul 2019

During the past two months, The Maya Conservancy, has offered to help Fundacion Turcios Lima with using our USA bank account to receive funds from their donors earmarked for bioremediation and reforestation and transferring those funds to the account of Fundacion Turcios Lima. Fundacion Turcios Lima is not a 501(c) (3) in the USA and does not have a USA bank account.

So far, one donor has sent $2,000 earmarked for Fundacion Turcios Lima to TMC’s account and that money has gone to Fundacion Turcios Lima. The treasurer for TMC is tracking this money separately and there will be total transparency.TMC’s current projects include Conference Planning, paying for Bonampak Itzep’s English classes in Momostenango and evaluating projects for The Hero Twins Awards, working with Museo Izapa A.C. planning for a visitor’s center at the site of Izapa, planning with INAH and private initiatives in Tapachula and Tuxtla Chico, networking with board members, Mark Van Stone and Garth Norman in April.

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