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Supported projects 2018


During 2018, The Maya Conservancy has been moving forward with it's mission to support efforts to bring back the knowledge of the Maya Ancestors and help the Maya of today connect with their ancestral wisdom.

During the past several years we have provided money to support the education of Ralankil  Itzep from Momostenango, who is attending the Universidad Mesamericana. She has been doing well in her coursework and is specializing in communications.

We have given $1,500 to MAM, "Mayas for  Ancient Mayan", an organization following the work of epigrapher, Linda Schele. They sponser workshops every year to teach epigraphy to young Maya students from Honduras, Mexico and Guatemala.  The Fouth International Workshop on Maya Hieroglyphic Writing took place in July at Huehuetenango. You can find their website at:

We gave $2,000 to the new organization, KIKOTEMAL, with the help of SAQ, CHUEM, started by Ixkik Poz in Quetzaltenango, which, among other things sponsered a heiroglyphic workshop, CODICES MAYAS, given by Nikolai Grube in Quetzaltenango July 26th- August 3rd. There were 40 participants, including 19 who asked for scholorships to cover hotel and food during the workshop.

In September, we gave $3,000 to astrofotographer, Sergio Montufar, to facilitate his ongoing work of pothographing the night sky and working alongside Ajq'ij, or maya daykeepers to promote knowledge of ancient astronomy.

We offered him an exhibition of his work at Jade Maya on Deember 1st  during our Conference on Maya Cosmos. A Maya Priest spoke at the conference on the concept of time and a phyicist from the University of San Carlos also spoke, as well as Tomas Barrientos from the Universdad del Valle and Domingo Yojocom from the Universidad del Valle.

In 2019, we hope to convene the members of the board of TMC and discuss plans for our tenth year 2020. 

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