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Momos-Copan Mission

Actualizado: 20 jul 2019

We will have more trips in 2011 similar to the 2010 trips.

Hello, Maya enthusiasts!

Join us for an important spiritual/archaeological Maya adventure: Mission Momos–Copán 2010  •  October 22–31, 2010 Nine days, eight nights of sacred ceremony, Maya site encounters, and museums.

Three Maya Fire Ceremonies: in Momostenango, Ixim’ché and Copán. Visiting three Maya sacred sites:  Copán in Honduras and Ixim’ché and Quiriguá, in Guatemala. We’ll spend two nights in: Santiago Atitlán and Copán. Base of operations: La Antigua, Guatemala (three nights). On behalf of: The Maya Conservancy

Participate in the K’iche’ Maya’s “New Years” Wajshak’ib B’atz’ fire ritual with Tat Rigoberto Itzep Chanchavac in Momostenango, Guatemala, to usher in the next Maya 260-day sacred calendar cycle.

With presentations by V. Garth Norman: 35 years researching the site of Izapa: “Izapa – Origin of the Maya’s Sacred 260-Day Calendar” and “The Copán-Izapa 15 Degrees North Latitude Connection” Janice Van Cleve: book author, explorer and expert on the kings of Copán: “Ox Witik: A new interpretation identifies exactly what it is and where it is; plus reveals how Eighteen Rabbit told us” and “Yax K’uk Mo: An examination of the evidence and the surprising results” and tour guide Jim Reed: Editor of The Institute of Maya Studies Explorer newsletter and one of the Directors of The Maya Conservancy: “Understanding 2012” and “Maya Creation Centers and the Sacrum Bone: Connecting the Human Body to the Nighttime Skies” (Sharing the insights of the work of Brian Sross of UT-Austin and more)

Other presentations by Maya flutist Pablo Collado and the Grupo Maya Kaq’chik’el; David Sedat: Renowned archaeologist from Copán, discoverer of the tomb of Yax Kuk Mo; Vincent Stanzione: Expert in anything concerning Santiago Atitlán and the Tz’utujil Maya; Gaspár Gozález: Q’anjob’al Maya spokesperson and 13 B’aktun book author; Mary Lou Ridinger: discoverer of the ancient Maya jade quarries; fire rituals in Ixim’ché and Copán with Kaqchikel Maya spiritual guides Antolín Gozález Sancir and his wife Nicolasa Chumil Guigui.

Download this colorful 2-part Trip Brochure for all the specifics.

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